Not like it should come as a surprise that I disagree with an article on The Knot but this one (via
MSN)* in particular just makes my blood boil with rage. Don't you think a couple planning their wedding has enough going on with trying to please themselves, their parents, the budget, etc.? Why would you even consider creating this ludicrous list to make us feel more guilty and stressed out than we probably already do??? You are a wedding publication and, therefore, I would think that you know something about all the different factors that go into planning one of these shindigs and understand that not everyone has the budget or the resources to follow every single one of your rules. Our weddings
aren't all about us and therein lies the problem.
First, of all, I've been to weddings on a holiday and I was happy for the chance to party with my friends on New Year's Eve. If your vacation time is that important to you don't come to my wedding. Take the fam to the Cape, watch some fireworks and have a blast. I won't be offended. And if you would rather be "watching the game" then most likely I didn't invite you.
I have never once been to a wedding of a friend or loved one and thought that I had "given up my free day" to be there. When did a wedding become about putting on a show and making sure people were entertained? If you need help having a good time then you are problem a boring person and weren't invited anyway.
I HOPE that the people who have an issue like any of the items on that list just stay home. If you are going to complain, if all you came for was the free food and booze and not to, oh I don't know, celebrate a marriage of a loved one then please don't come. I would much rather be surrounded by the people who truly care about us and matter to us and who want to be there. Our guests are all adults (for the most part) and can make grown up decisions like whether or not to go to a wedding on a holiday, outdoors, with maybe some *gulp* bugs and a buffet dinner.
here. Beth - you are one of my heros. You are usually so practical and savvy. Why would you even consider putting your readers through the stress of worrying about this list???