Gawd, I've hated almost every "How We Met" I have ever had to read. I'm in love but that doesn't mean I don't taste bile during romantic comedies. I can be mooshy gooshy with McG (new top secret codename for you know who). No, I'm not some ice queen. I love romantic things like Amelie and unicorns, polaroid cameras and tandem bicycles but I hate the following: Sandra Bullock and he said/she said first date descriptions.
On that note, here's how we met (from my point of view ONLY) -
Ah, college!
We both went to a very small, very boho, alternative education, clothing optional college in New England. We both lived in the loud house on campus. We were both sophomores.
Turns out I don't actually remember our first meeting. No, it wasn't like that. I was sober (ignore above reference to party house). I've been told that we were introduced by my best friend/roomie in the house living room but, apparently, McG wasn't so memorable at the time. I, however, had a signature walk (ooh la la) that McG remembers to this day.
Not until I became friends with his roommate and he got a hair cut did I notice him and develop a HUGE crush. Fast forward to me sticking a post-it note on his door saying "Someone has a crush on you. Come down to room 309" to wrestling turned make-out sessions to full on love fest.
I was totally smitten. Like totally obsessed, crazy in love (emphasis on the crazy). He broke my heart after three months right before winter break and came back the next semester with a new girlfriend. (He's really a SUPER sweet guy but was a bit of a serial dater back then) I was totally heartbroken but I told him that I knew in five years we would get back together....
I was wrong. It was actually four years, at a party in NYC, dancing and having a blast, and I was FINALLY over him. What does he do? Sends me a love letter and a mix CD. What a jerk!
It's been four years (eight since our first meeting) and we have moved across the country together, adopted a puppy together and every day I fall more in love with him (ew, I just threw up in my mouth a little).
Even sweeter for the reluctance in telling the story!
haha love it
I'm with you on the sappy romance thing.
Love your blog!
I will admit here that I am a closet romantic. So your story genuinely made me smile with the joy that it all worked out. Although guess I shouldn't admit that right?
London Bride - being a romantic is awesome! I love love love romance...just not cheese! :) And I'm glad it made you smile! I smile too when I read it! :)
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