I have a question for people who have already sent out their invites. Vintage stamps - everyone's crazy about vintage stamps but are they worth it? How many stamps did you need to get those puppies out the door? I know it's pretty and all but is anyone but me going to even notice or realize that I scoured EBay at 3am for a gazillion stamps???
My friend Amanda at Peony::Love wrote about her experiences with vintage stamps...lol Check it out here: http://peonylove.blogspot.com/2009/03/vintage-stamps.html
I will say, that when I got her invite in the mail, it was very visually interesting and I enjoyed checking out all the old stamps. =)
We used them for our invites, and several people commented on them. It all depends on whether you want to spend the extra $ above face value... and if you want specific themes for the stamps. We chose Colorado, botanic, and love themed ones, so we had to be a bit choosier.
i love them too but in reality, most people aren't going to give a sh*t. maybe 5% of the people you invite will think "oh, that's cool" and they might keep the envelope in the pile of papers on their desk, or if you're really lucky the fridge, for a couple weeks before tossing it in the trash. but most will pull out the invite and not give the envelope a second glance. that being said, maybe you have WAY cooler friends and family than i do? if that's the case, and you're only sending out like 40ish invitations, it *might* be worth it. but don't invest a ton of hours in the project unless it's something you really really really love. i picked the least objectionable stamps from the post office and went with it, and i don't regret it. we still got tons of compliments on our invites. good luck either way though! can't wait to see how they turn out!
No they arent worth it! I went through the same decision you are going through and in the end decided it wasnt worth the extra $100 to mail invitations. I spend about an hour one night looking at usps.com, they offer more than my local post office did and only charge $1 to bring your stamps with your mail to your home. It took about 6 stamps to get to 64 cents and I still got the vintage look with the price change stamps. they have tea pots and old looking chairs, a tiffanys lamp, with some of the old hollywood celebrity stamps they pull together nicely and cost what they should.
i dont think i took any pictures of my envelopes before i mailed them that is my only regret.
i would be t.o.'d if i spent hours on them and i didnt get compliments. i didnt get any compliments on the stamps but at least its less of a burn since i didnt spend a million years/dollars putting it together.
That sounds like way too much work for lazy little me.
But it does look amazingly cool in pictures.
Exactly one person noticed that we used the King and Queen of Hearts stamps that matched the green of our envelopes, and for which I had to go to three different post offices to get enough - JUST ONE! And she was also a bride this year, thinking about these little details.
No one notices but the blogosphere and the person taking out the recycling, where the envelopes end up within ten seconds of being received.
Maybe do one super cute one for your mom and photos... otherwise, save the time!
My personal take...people toss the envelope and put the invite up on the fridge, so for that reason we are not doing vintage stamps. The post office has such pretty ones out right now, too!
Left you something on my blog last night! :)
i'm gonna say...no one's gonna notice except for maybe the other recently engaged or married who have thought about special stamps as well. just remember those envelopes are going straight in the garbage (or recycling!). they don't usually get saved like the actual invitation...
i thought they were worth it, but i paid face value for most of the stamps i bought, so it made sense. i hated the look of the forever stamps, but we did end up using a few when we ran out of the vintage ones... each envelope needed 6-10 vintage stamps.
all of our stamps were bought from ebay.
on our reply card return envelopes we used the king and queen stamps.
I'm having this same dilemma right now as I prepare to send out my save-the-dates. I can't help you but I can't wait to see what people suggest!
They look so lovely though...
I bet that people notice and say...why are all these stamps on here. Could you fake it with a custom printed envelope? Or would the post office put out an apb on you?
love this idea...I think it is a really cute detail that people will appreciate! xoxo kadie
I will have to agree that they look lovely (on wedding blogs) but kinda think that they are ridiculous. Who saves envelopes? I used forever stamps. I am pretty sure no one noticed. Would they have noticed a cool stamp-maybe some. I would much rather pu the time, effort and money into the party.
I love the look but most people aren't going to care. We ordered some beautiful stamps from zazzle.com. They were still special and cute to look at, but werent a pain in the butt.
No. People don't appreciate them, or notice them, and half the people that do roll their eyes. In fact, I had a adult tell me, and I quote, "I judge the pretentiousness of the wedding by the number of stamps on the envelope." That snapped me out of it.
And, scene.
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