Did I say that I hated romantic comedies? Well, I can pretty much forgive the French anything. We watched Priceless last night which is basically a french, modern Breakfast at Tiffany's with our own modern-day Audrey Hepburn: Audrey Tautou. Yes, it was a little sexist with a girl who can't take care of herself so she takes advantage of rich men. Yes, it was a little silly at the end but it was still pretty cute. Also, I'm one of those annoying people who ruins movies by predicting the ending within the first five minutes and even though I thought I had this one down it surprised me. PLUS I want to wear my hair like she does at the end of the movie at our "reunion." And she wears fabulous dresses.

The dresses are yummy deliciousness. I want that whole wardrobe...
I'll come right out and say it: I'm more than a little gay for Audrey Tatou.
Bryan does the predicting thing too, mostly with law and order, and he is always right! Which pisses me off cause he ruins it for me! haha i still love him though :)
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